Thursday, 12 April 2012

United Earth

Now if you have read the below post you will have some kind of understanding about this idea.
However for it to work then the top country in the world in relation to wealth and control will have to be the first one to implement as this will cause a chain reaction to the smaller countries as they will see that joining up and sharing everything will benefit them, however to stop all the poorest countries joining up and depleting the resources first without the support of the other rich countries this stage has to be slow. New countries can only join as long as the resources bringing created is able to support them.
After the majority of Earths countries join then the rest will have to because they will not be able to buy what they need with currency as it worth nothing anymore. Once Earths nations are under one banner the people in power are to be removed and the voting to begin on creating the new government. The resources are to be used equally as defined in my below post and humanity can work to improve the quality of life from there.

Russia tried something like this with Communism but they let the government have greed and corruption as back then they were a poor country so the when the rich and poor were abolished the medium was not very were off so people did not like it, however with a united earth the medium would be very liveable until we improve our situation and impose population limits. Also back then they did not have reliable electronic voting systems so they could not be sure if the people in power were voted in or not, so basically the people in power took the country for themselves. The laws they had also restricted freedom of speech and more, while this system will allow votes so the majority will chose what they want not the few in power.

In my next post I will outline how to limit the populations so as to not make the resources be drained even more.

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