Thursday, 12 April 2012

New Idea's

Secure electronic votes. You must pass an IQ test for the right to vote.
Everyone’s name from age 15 - 60 will be in a raffle, this raffle
Determines who does a certain job like drain cleaner to shop assistant for
A year, you can’t get the same job twice in the row. If your physically not
Suited for a job you will be re-raffled. For the jobs that require a smart mind
These jobs last for 5-10 years as you need to get special training for them.

To be in the smart jobs raffle you must reach a certain IQ quota. All learning materials
Will be able for access from the internet so everyone can learn in their own time if they
Want to progress. All food is equal no matter what job you are assigned. You
Receive the same amount of rations points a week and they cannot be traded.
You use these points to buy what you need. Healthcare is free to people that take part in the raffles.

If you refuse them these amenities are not given to you and you will not receive
Ration points. If however you can’t work then that is not your fault so you will get everything
As if you were working, however an assigned doctor will have to make sure this is true every 6 months
Education is mandatory until 15, and if you pass an IQ test you may enter 3rd level education until your 20.
The 3rd level IQ test can be taken once per 2 years in case you fail it.
The government is publically voted once per year and all politicians will be
Independents and not grouped into parties. They themselves will vote on issues
As it is their job to read into the issues and make the right choices.

They will Have the exact same as everyone else so they will want to better the country
And world instead of making more money for themselves as money will be obsolete.
Government watchdogs will also be voted to ensure alliances will not form in the government
As this will result in expulsion and a jail term. Human right lets
People believe in what they want so religion can be believed in but that
Is faith and show not be forced onto the general public by have any
Connection to the government or laws.

The people that decide the laws should be the people
Of the country themselves by their voted representives. Religion has only brought
War when it came into contact with people in power in the past. Corporations
Are to be abolished as they use capitalism to horde as much profit as they can and this
Can only result in taking from others. Nike shoes for example will be made if the demand is big enough,
People can use their credits to get them if they have pared ones after food.
The cost of them will only mirror how much they cost to make and transport.
There is no profit as in this system people work to help each other out and
If they want to improve their situation they can educate themselves as they
Are given the opportunity and this will also help humanity advance.
Once the system is set up the people that score the top 5% on the IQ test will
Be assigned to either philosophers, researchers etc. depending on what area they wish
To peruse. The main aim of the researchers is to use science and technology to
Create a means to make jobs such as drain cleaning all automatic. This is because
As the decades progress more and more people will get more educated as they
Have the ability to and will want to better them so less people will be around
For the raffle for the mundane jobs, but by this time we will have advanced so far that all
These jobs will be done by machines and technology.

All items you want and need can be got through the rations system and you can save your points
But everything you earn will be equal and from work. If you want a new guitar then you just save your Left over points. Points are allocated to you by means of Dan or id so they cannot be traded As this would defeat the purpose. Everyone is equal be it the president or an
18 year old miner. Above all else everything is to be publically available,

This includes information that the president had to use a plane to fly to a meeting
As this was part of the job so its cost does not come from the president.
Everyone has freedom of speak and if they reach more than 50% on the iq test and get 2000 signatures of people over 50% iq they can ask their government official to put it into discussion and maybe a vote.

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